Greenhouse Robe/The Sun, the southern pear, the beautiful city

Pocono Zhao, SUN, Southern ingdom Pear, BELLEVILLE,2021,mixed media,dimension variable,image courtesy of the artist HUI Yun

The work derives from BELLEVILLE 1. Since the Middle Ages, the "sun and moon theory" has held that the power of church is the sun and the power of the king is the moon, just as the moon's light comes from the sun, and the king's power comes from the pope. The color Gold is the power, the light of the sun and the afterglow. Facing power and new capitalism, the philosopher Han Byung-chul pointed out that we need to "become fools" and completely empty ourselves, so that the subject can be completely depsychologized and people can be free in any mode of existence.

Southern Kingdom Pear 2 and BELLEVILLE responded to Han Byung-chul's "becoming fools" theory with an ambiguous "attitude". Sun, Southern ingdom Pear, Belleville are in parallel with each other in an intertextual and montage relationship, and they poetically build this work, even the tension between them. Or in other words, the power, architecture and utopia are still unsettled, and the work is a contest of various passions within.

作品《太阳,南国梨,美丽城》缘起于 “美丽城 1 ”。自中世纪以来,“太阳月亮说”便认为教权是太阳, 王权是月亮, 就像月亮的光辉来自太阳一样, 国王的权力来自教皇。 金色是权力, 是太阳的光芒、余晖。 面对权力,面对新资本主义,哲学家韩炳哲指出我们需要“变成傻瓜”,彻底倒空,只有这样主体才能实现彻底的去心理化,人才会在任何生存模式下都能获得自由。

“南国梨 2 ”与“美丽城”以模棱两可的“态度”回应了韩炳哲的“变成傻瓜”。 太阳、南国梨、美丽城在此以一种互文与蒙太奇的关系并行, 它们诗意般地构建了这件作品,甚至它们之间的紧张关系。 又或者说权力、建筑与乌托邦依旧悬而未决,它是内心种种激情的角逐。




2. 南国梨(学名:Pyrus ussuriensis 'Nanguo Pear')是蔷薇科、梨属植物。素有“梨中之王”美称,也叫作香水梨,是不可多得的能与新疆库尔勒香梨、山西贡梨及原产于日本的水晶梨等诸多梨中珍品相媲美的稀有梨种。南国梨主产于辽宁省,南国梨有着苹果的外形、诗意的名称,这与它自身的形象产生了剧大的割裂感,无疑,它指向了一种“模棱两可”的态度。

Pocono Zhao, Greenhouse Robe, 2022, fabric printing, photography, flashlight, mixed media,155x330x8cm, image courtesy of the artist

In Greenhouse Robe, soft gauzy fabric is arranged side by side into a "robe" from the ancient Roman period. The source of the image for the installation Apollo Robe is one of the images in NEWCOMER x. It was taken in the greenhouse of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. The golden light shines through the glass on the tropical banana trees. The artificiality of the greenhouse points to the desires of mankind, but its construction is inseparable from nature, the sunlight and its replenishment. The work presents the intrinsic connection between the "conquer" between Apollo and human beings and the colonial "conquest". The work shows a strong "uneasiness" from the perspective of "individual to collective, spiritual to material", however, the uneasiness itself is not fear, but a recurring truth in human history.

在作品 《温室战袍》中,柔软纱质的布面被并排成一件件古罗马时期的“战袍”。“太阳神战袍”的装置图像来源即是《NEWCOMER X》 中的一幅。它是拍摄于巴黎植物园中温室的一景,金黄的光线透过玻璃照射在来自热带的芭蕉树上,温室的人造性指向了人的欲望,它的构建却依旧离不开自然,离不开阳光的普照与补给。作品呈现着太阳神与人类之间的“征服”和殖民“征服”之间的内在联系。作品中,从“个体到集体”“精神到物质”等角度,显现出强烈的“不安”情绪,然而,这种不安也并非恐惧,而是人类历史中反反复复的真相。