891 Dusks: An Encyclopedia of Psychological Experiences

CHEN Zhe, 891 Dusks: An Encyclopedia of Psychological Experiences,leather bound book with gold embossing,text panels,sound,oval light installation,book: 25.8×36.8×4.4(h) cm, sound: 8 min loop,image courtesy of the artist

The work presents the artist’s research on widespread yet undiagnosed symptoms of "evening uneasiness." Tabulated as an index, this book categorizes and conceptualizes the “disquiet” through hundreds of psycho-poetic entries. Adapted from the pseudo-scientific publication, “New Comprehensive Homoeopathic Materia Medica of the Mind", these encyclopedic entries list the “symptoms” from the 891 transient experiences of dusk. Each entry embodies the ephemerality of such experience as well as the ineffable nature of its narrative. In adopting the pseudo-scientific approach to archive literary experience, an unknown lyrical form takes shape, for its semantics become a probe for ambiguity.

This encyclopedic presentation is accompanied by a group of text panels documenting the artist's modifications of the original text, and a recording of the selected entries read in English and Chinese along with meditative music.

“向晚意不适”是一类在医学上无从确诊、却广泛存在的症状。当问题的对象本身难辨真假时,提问的方式或许可以真假难辨。改编自伪科学出版物《关于心灵的顺势疗法药物学》,作品以百科全书的索引格式罗列出891次度过黄昏的“症状清单”。黄昏经验本身的易变,以及人们在复述时往往会遭遇的混沌,在原书词条的编集方式中得到了同构的体现。当我们用貌似科学的文法,来收藏并定位一系列近乎文学的体验时,某种未曾造访的诗意正在成形,而这场诗意的阅读本身已是问题的答案。 百科全书的展示同时伴随一组文稿(书的阅读与改编说明)与一段音频(书的选段朗诵)。